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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here I Go...

Okay, now that I have officially set up a blog site my mind has gone completely blank. I have nothing remotely cleaver to say. So I will begin my blog by simply saying "hello." I decided to begin a blog for no other reason than to keep a record of my thoughts. I don't claim to be an expert in any particular area or topic. I often find that I get lost in long conversations with myself (not in a schizophrenic manner); rather, a streaming thought process that dances between the everyday list of "things to do" and conversations between a woman and her beloved creator. Some may call it prayer but I prefer conversations. I vacillate between the mundane to the profound. Of course, I have a tendency to talk when I need to listen (don't we all.) I would not classify my thoughts or conversations as brilliant or deeply philisophical. Sometimes I simply have ideas that need remembering. Other times I don't want to forget a thought process that seems to be embedded with messages from God floating in the waters of my consiousness like driftwood on a rushing river quickly disappearing out of sight. Thus, the blog. I want to remember and look back to see how far I have come. If you find this blog and you read something that touches you, let me know. I'm looking forward to discovering what God can do through this medium. I will say without apology that I believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe in the triune God. I believe in Gods infallable, inherent Word (the Bible.) I believe that God came to this earth leaving the majesty of His throne to become a man. He was and is fully divine and fully man. He died on a sinners cross (though He was sinless) to pay the penalty for mans sin (aka my sin.) All he asks of us is that we accept that we are sinners and accept the gift of salvation through His sons death, burial and resurrection that paid the penalty for our sin. I will save the topics of justification and sanctification for another day. Now, having said all that, if you don't believe the way I do or you want to argue the finer points of your theology or lack thereof, please don't post any negative statements here and move on. If you have questions for me, I'll answer them to the best of my ability (with the power of His ability.) Okay, now that we have that settled I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and receiving feedback in kind. God Bless.


  1. Cool - I get to leave the first comment!!! Sadly, I really don't have one...too early in the morn I guess. Actually, I already learned something from reading your blog. I had no idea what the word "triune" meant...so I looked it up! See, your blog has already had an impact...maybe small, but an impact nonetheless :) Maybe in the next ten years, I will find the nerve to enter the blog world, but for now I'll just read yours!

  2. i just noticed that the comment looks like haley left it, but it was me (laurie) - i guess i'm signed in under haley's facebook account - oops!
