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Monday, April 6, 2009


I have decided to observe Lent this week. I know it is a little late to begin the observance, but I am pretty sure that I don't have the discipline to abstain from any one thing for forty days. Six days seems to be more doable. I am actually a protestant, so observing an official liturgical calendar is a voluntary endeavour. Nevertheless, something in me likes the notion of giving up something or denying oneself to reflect. I love the Easter season. I think that of all the holidays this is the one that causes a deeper reflection. I often ponder what that week must have been like for Jesus. I suppose scripture gives us all we need to know. Jesus started the week riding in town on a donkey (which fulfilled prophecy believe it or not) and was cheered by the crowds "Hosanna, Hosanna! He ended the week in unmerited humiliation as the crowds spat on him and this time they yelled "crucify, crucify" (prophecy fulfilled again.) What a paradox! Somewhere in between Jesus prayed and asked the Father to "take this cup from me, yet not my will but thine be done." I think of how deeply Jesus prayed, so much so that his perspiration was tinged with blood. I don't know if I can fathom praying so hard that your blood vessels break. I know I have never prayed that deeply before. Jesus knew what he was called to do and I can't imagine the agony he was feeling in the garden. Yet, he said "not my will but thine be done. " I think that is the reality I am pondering this Easter season. So much of what I am called to do is not necessarily what I want to do. But I am learning how to pray "not my will Lord, but your will be done." It is easier said than done. But, Jesus endured the cross for my sake. I will never experience the suffering that He endured. I will never face the same rejection, humiliation, and disgrace that was placed upon his shoulders. So this week I will decide to deny myself. I will take up my cross and I will reflect on the sacrifice made for me. It isn't a great effort, but I suppose it is better than no effort at all. The beautiful thing is that Jesus' effort was enough. My debt "paid in full." I wonder if others are as reflective as I am this week. I wonder if others are taking some time to be more fully aware of the price that was paid. On the other hand, I also realize that this week will not mean anything other than bunnies and chocolate to some. And still there are others that will continue to despise him, spit on his name and refuse to accept the merciful grace that he so freely gives. My prayer is that this week I will walk a little closer to Him and share, in my own very small and insignificant way, His passion.

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